A. Unable to Connect to WIFI:

1. Make sure user is in correct range

2. Check the user is getting the SSID, if yes, check the device(Phone or Laptop) is not preveiosly set to a static ip.

3. If it is set to static ip, change it to DHCP, then ask user to try again connect to the network.

4. If device is set to DHCP but still not able to connetc to WIFI, and above steps does not work:

    make an Escalation with Users Contact information, user's device info, and hotspot location information

    to [email protected]  

B. User able to connect but not getting Login Page.

1. Check user is connect to proper network(SSID).

2. After connecting to proper network ask user to open browser and type:

    www.google.com or www.yahoo.com

3. The user will be redirected to splash page configured for that particular location.

4. If the user is not redirected to the splash page ask user to try with different device with different browser.

5. If the user is still not getting login page, open wavespot dashboard from your end and check the device status.

6. If the device status is on, check the User Setting under dashboard and make sure correct splash template

    is configured for that location.

7. If the device status is showing OFF, and above steps does not work:

    make an Escalation with Users Contact information, user's device info, and hotspot location information 

     to [email protected]

C. User Geting Login page but not able to connect via Facebook:

1. Check if the user is redirected to Facebook login page. If yes, check he/she is giving correct login crediantials.

2. If he is not redirected to facebook login page, check the router status is ON and Hearbeating in wavespot dashboard.

3. If the device status is showing OFF, and above steps does not work:

    make an Escalation with Users Contact information, user's device info, and hotspot location information

    to [email protected]

D. User not able to connect via Twitter:

1. Check if the user is redirected to Twittter login page, If yes, check he/she is giving correct login crediantials.

2. If he is not redirected to Twitter login page, check the router status is ON and Hearbeating in wavespot dashboard.

3. If the device status is showing OFF, and above steps does not work:

    make an Escalation with Users Contact information, user's device info, and hotspot location information to

    [email protected]

E. End User not able to connect via Email

1. Check user is giving a valid Email id.

2. Check from your end weather the user's email is valid or not in http://verify-email.org/

3. Check the router status is ON and is Hearbeating in wavespot dashboard.

4. If the device status is showing OFF, and above steps does not work:

    make an Escalation with Users Contact information, user's device info, and hotspot location information 

    to [email protected]


F. User reports performance related issues.


1. Check Location Description wireless signal range, i.e. Wireless signal availability.If this is the case, users may 

    experience poor connectivity outside the defined range.

2. If above steps does not work:

    make an Escalation with Users Contact information, user's device info, and hotspot location information 

    to [email protected]