Zebra Technologies: Quick Setup Guide 


1. Open a ticket with Wavespotand provide MAC­address of all Zebra routers to be connected to Wavespot Cloud. Provide your full name and a phone number in the ticket for follow up. You should proceed with next steps only after a ticket completion email is received. 

Integrating Zebra Technologies with Wavespot Cloud:

1. Login to Wing Express at http://express.motorolasolutions.com 

2. Navigate to the Wireless section from the left navigation bar of the Wing Express. You can add a new Wireless LAN to enable Wavespot services or can edit an existing Wireless LAN

3. Configure the Wireless LAN to enable it with Wavespot Cloud as follows

  • Enter the name of the Wireless LAN profile, enable the SSID and Enter the name of the SSID which would be seen by the end customer to connect.
  • Select the security mode to be “Guest” to configure your Zebra device with Wavespot Cloud.
  • Let VLAN be as default value and add description for internal use(optional).
  • Select Access Type to be “RADIUS Authentication” and configure the RADIUS details:
    Server: radius.wavespot.net and select Hostname Shared Secret: To be shared separately
  • DNS Whitelist: Add the DNS entries that need to be walled garden.
    Facebook: www.facebook.com, www.facebook.net, fbcdn.net, akamaihd.net, facebook.net, fbstatic­a.akamaihd.net
    Twitter: api.twitter.com, twitter.com, pbs.twimg.com, abs.twimg.com, twitter­any.s3.amazonaws.com, twimg.com
    Wavespot: app.wavespot.net, www.wavespot.net, radius.wavespot.net, oss.wavespot.net, assets.wavespot.net, s3.amazonaws.com, newrelic.com, cloudfront.net, zebra.wavespot.net, zebraassets.wavespot.net

    NOTE: For login with Facebook to work on iOS devices, we need to temporarily whitelist following apple domains until Facebook/Apple solves the bug in the iOS hotspot login window. Apple Domains: ibook.info, itools.info, airport.us, thinkdifferent.us, apple.com, appleiphonecell.com