Create Subscription User:
Navigate to Configuration-User Management-Subscription User
User ID: Create a user id.
Password:Apply a password to the account.
Name:Set the new user’s name.
Email:Add the email id of the user.
Mobile Number: Add the user’s contact number.
Select Gender: Choose a gender.
Birth Date: Select the date of birth.
Subscription Plan: Select the desired subscription plan for the user.
Check the ‘Enable FUP’ check box to activate this option.
Fair Usage Policy (also known as Fair Access Policy or Bandwidth Cap) is implemented by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) worldwide. In an unmanaged network, a small number of customers can use an excessive amount of the network bandwidth and impair the experience for the majority of connected clients. Operators need to deploy a broadband policy control solution that provides differentiated control policy and data plans for subscribers, thus improving their operation efficiency.
MAC Authentication: By enabling‘MAC Authentication’ check box, a particular device can be authenticated for future instances. Add the MAC ID of the device in the allocated space to register the device.
Note:This option is not applicable for External Users (LDAP and GoogleApps)
Send SMS: User credentials are sent to the registered mobile number.
Print Account: Enable this option to print an invoice.
The ‘Subscribed Users’ table at the bottom of the page provides information about the subscription users and their subscription details like Plan Name, B/W Policy, etc.
The table contents are:
User Id: The Id used while creating the user.
Name:Name of the user.
Mobile:Phone number of the user.
Plan Name: The plan associated with the user.
FUP B/W Policy: SLA
Subscription Date: The date on which the user registered.
Due Amount: Currency amount to be paid.
Due Date: The last date to clear the due amount.
MAC Auth: Status of the user’s MAC Auth.
Status:Shows if the user is active or not.
Modify:This option can be used to change the name, email and mobile number of the user as well as deactivate the account.