Create a Splash Page
The Splash template section covers the different pages a user sees while going through the authentication process. Get access to pre-designed and device specific login, success, advertisement pages or create custom templates with images, logos and property names and more.
Add New Landing Page
To customize a landing page, Navigate to Configuration>Splash Page>Templates>Landing Page.
Splash Page Name: Enter the name of the new splash page template.
Click ‘Add Page’.
User will be redirected to the pre-existing template.
Upload logo, images, change the design using the editor.
Click ‘SAVE’.
Edit or Delete Existing Landing Page
To Edit or Remove a landing page, Navigate to Configuration>Splash Page>Templates>Landing Page.
Splash Page Name: Name of the splash page.
Action: Action to perform on the Splash Page.
Click ‘Preview’ to review before making it available to end users.
Click the ‘Factory’ Reset button to reset to default page.
Click the ‘Edit’ button to modify the existing splash page.
Click ‘Remove’ to delete the splash page template.
Click ‘Change Background’ and upload the new image to change the background
Assign a Journey
To create Journey, Navigate to Configuration>Splash Page>Journey
Click ‘Add Journey’.
Journey Name: Name of the journey.
Journey Type: Select Zone or Location from the drop-down menu
Zone or Location Name: Select the Zone or Location to which the journey needs to be applied.
Click ‘Next’
SSID: Enable the option to include the SSID in the redirection URL.
SSID Name: Name of the SSID.
VLan ID: Enable the option to include the VLAN ID in the redirection URL.
VLAN ID: Enter the VLAN Id.
Custom Params: Enable the option to include the VLAN ID in the redirection URL.
Parameter Name: Name of the parameter in the redirection URL.
Parameter Value: Parameter value in the redirection URL.
Splash Page: Select a splash page template for the journey from the drop-down menu.
Success Page: Select a success page template for the journey from the drop-down menu
Click ‘Add Rule’.
Click ‘Finish’